Things to Literally Always Have In Your Pantry

Foods to have for depression meals

Pantry staples are things that are great to have on hand when life happens.

Welcome to another week of A Depressed* Girl’s Guide to Eating. As always, if your mental health makes self-care, including nourishing your body hard, this guide is for you.

This week, instead of specific recipes, I want to get into what you should always have on hand for times when making food gets tricky. Stay stocked up on these and it’ll make a difference during those more difficult times. “Pantry” here really means pantry/ fridge.

  • Crackers- ideally wheat for a little extra fiber, but whatever works.

  • String cheese- mozzarella, cheddar, any kind you like. String cheese is individually packaged, and has a really long shelf life. It won’t get moldy and you can have it on hand for awhile.

  • Bread in the freezer- extends shelf life and it can be any kind of bread you prefer.

  • Peanut butter/ almond butter/ any kind of nut butter.

  • Cereal you like and milk you like- cereal is great for all times of the day. Especially when it’s too hot to turn on the stove.

  • Eggs- also last a long time and have some preparations that are quick and with limited cleanup.

  • Frozen burrito- two mins in the microwave can solve a lot of hard moments.

  • Most importantly: anything else you think you could get yourself to eat when nothing sounds good. For me, it’s peanut butter filled pretzels. But spend some time thinking about what might work for you.


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